Saturday, October 31, 2009

Now that i have given up smoking?.....?

its killing me.. how do i stop myself from wanting to seriously hurt some mother f*****! really please help me give up the fags!
Join a gym with a punchbag. Seriously - it's good for you and you can enjoy it. Print out a violation notice from Yahoo and stick it on the bag. When the violation notice is nothing but pulp, your work is done.If you don't have your own violation notice, I believe I can supply pretty much any level of demand on that front...
nicotine patches
Ok im a bad example because i quit for about 3 months then went back to the sin sticks but heres what got me through. The first 6 days suck bad. Especially the car. Chew lots of gum and i liked to chew on pens. It sounds weird but it really helps. Honestly once you get past that first week its a breeze. I just got cocky and let my fiance smoke in teh same room/car with me and id take hits every now and then....
this may sound stupid but it works...find a substitute to put into your mouth, and have the will power to stop the urge. everytime you get an urge you can:
suck a lolly
kiss your boyfriend/husband
stick a pen in your mouth
chew gum
drink a glass of water everytime
Please don't smoke. Call your doctor and get drugs from him/her. Without my Zoloft and Xanax I would not have made it. It is better to be addicted to those than to smoking. I also find being on here (Answers) helps. I should own stock in "BUBBLE WRAP". I purchase the small bubbles and the large ones. Those help more than I can say. Drink a LOT of fluids. Not alcohol. Water and fruit juices are good for you. Popcorn is good. You want to find fruit or something you can eat in large portions that won't make you gain weight. I have gained about 45 pounds. Which is still better than smoking. I will worry about the weight, but not right now.I quit smoking last June 15th and quit drinking last July 1st. I have emphysema and I am on oxygen 24/7. My disease continues to worsen. It is not a good way to die. If you have emphysema and quit smoking it doesn't stop the disease, it just slows it down. If I don't get a lung transplant I am doomed.QUIT NOW, DON'T WAIT AS LONG AS I DID. The cigarettes are not worth being hooked to a machine that has to breathe for you.
I don't know if you have tried the Nicotrol Inhaler but that is what my husband used to stop smoking. That was last May and still free of smoke.
I wish you the best of luck on this journey you are about to embark. Good Luck %26 God Speed.
ok firstly you really have to want to give up, dont do it if its someone else pressurising you, it will never work.i gave up 2 years ago, i had gone away on holiday and did not take any away with me and it was america and did not want to smoke lung bleeders, so i just didnt smoke, yes it has been hard since i came home and there have been times where i have will find that when you are bored you will want a ciggie, so maybe get up and make a cup of tea, do something to take your mind off it.i always carry mints with me, try not to substitue your craving with sweets, as we all know this will only end in tears as you realise you have put on 10 stone lol. Honestly though if you do things to take your mind of the craving, you will learn to get by.but you have to be in the right frame of mind to stop, never try the whole thing of ok from monday i am stopping or from next month or after this packet, that is all rubbish, do it now break whatever you have and dont look back, no matter how hard it gets, you can do it.try mints, chewing gum, a cup of tea, glass of juice, even channel flicking when you have a craving anything to take your mind off it.

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