Sunday, October 25, 2009

My son {21 months} has ringworm on his head at the back does ketopine shampoo work?

someone has recommended that i use the shampoo but when i asked my gp he said that he doesn't need it, but surely i cannot use normal shampoo because it will irritate the ringworm.
Please chek this site, it's a gem a site for advice %26 info on natural %26 alternate remedies %26 nutrition etc.
Please see link for article on ringwroms.PS%26gt; it's a wonderful site to keep in mind for searching for advice on a wide range of ailments.Just type in the relevant word(s) in search %26 look thr' results.
bluestar ointment and shoe polish does work miracles! You only have to use one or the other
put clear fingernail polish over it so it cant breath....
your gp sounds as if he/she isnt bothered.ask at the chemist and see what they recommend
If your ringworm diagnosis is confirmed an anti-fungal shampoo like Ketoconazole might help, also an antfungal cream. Why was your GP so unhelpful? This does need treated rather than ignored or it will spread.
i would take him to your doctor again and have him prescribe you an anti fungal cream or it will spread normal shampoo will irritate it maybe you should ask to see another doctor he sounds not at all helpfully when you are putting the cream on wear protective gloves so you don't get it it is very contagious

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