Saturday, October 31, 2009

Now I have a problem and would like to know if anyone else has this disease , I have parkinsons,?

I was wondering if anyone else has this disease, I just diagnosed with it. how do you handle it. do you worry about it. I'm in the early stages so the dr. says, but I'v been experiencing the symptems for the past 6 years and thought I was having a nervous breakdown. I saw several drs. and they dismissed me and prescribed anti-depressants for me, which didn't help, I do get depressed and want to hurt myself sometimes. sometimes i feel like I can't go on.. I have to force myself to get dressed just to go to the store, my tremors are better except when I'm stressed. I walk better too and move my arms better because of the meds. they put me on.. I tire out very easy but because I look healthy, family doesn't understand why I have to rest every day.
I am so sorry. It sounds like your doctor need to find some different antidepressents and perhaps therapy. Stress, worry will make tremors worse. It also sound like your family needs to be better educated about your illness. If your doctor is not helpful, find one that is. There are things they can give you to slow the progression of the disease. There are also other treatments that can help with the symptoms. They can do shots of botox in the muscles to ease tremors or even implants to help with them. Are you just going to the regular physician for treatment? You need to see a nuerologist who specializes in Parkinsons treatment and/or movement disorders. There is much they can do to help you preserve the quality of your life. As well as get the support of your family.I would deeply suggest a Parkinsons support group so you can speak with others who are going through the same thing. It's important to have the support of those who don't just say they understand but KNOW exactly what you are facing. You would probably be able to make some friends. It really helped my husband who at 36 has a nueromuscular disease similar to Parkinsons but it also effects his lungs, it's related to his service in the gulf war. Don't overtire yourself. My grandmother who is 95 this month said the key is to realize when you've done a bit and need to rest before you start to feel tired. Shorter rests more often make things easier for her. I understand how you feel that family doesn't 'get' it with your illness. These diseases aren't obvious so people just don't understand how much they effect you. But you can't see a nueromuscular disease all the time, or heart disease, lung disease, etc. And sometimes family is in denial. That has been the case with my husbands Father. They can't see that his lungs don't operate fully and he isn't elligible for a lung transplant because it's the nerves that control the lungs that are the problem so a new set would shut down the same way. They don't get how serious it is and think he is just being lazy. But you can't see a back injury either. Doesn't mean it's not there. I think my husbands Father doesn't want to admit how sick his son really is because he loves him. The same is probably true for your family they are in denial because they love you and it's hard to see you get older, as well as have you ill with something beyond their control. There are pamphets and brochures as well as support groups for family members as well. It's important to your helath that they fully understand and support you.There is a great source through Barrows Nuerological Institute, the Mohammed Ali Parkinsons Research Center. They have a newsletter as well as a fabulous site with research and support information. They may even be able to help you find a better doctor in your area. They may also be able to find you a support group. You don't have to go through this alone. Barrows Nuerological Institute Website: Ali Parkinsons Research't forget to look into getting your depression under control. No one should live under the cloud of depression. Often you may not respond to the first medication they try. Many times it take a full month to work, but if you don't feel better by then you really need to go back to your doctor. He has no way of knowing you didn't respond unless you go to the doctor. Our doctor also prescribed SAM-e in addition to my husbands anti depressant, it really helped. We get it from CVS. I wish you all the best. I hope that you can get some better treatment, some education, a support group and maybe even some rehabilitation therapy that can help you learn to function with your symptoms.
I just saw a miracle cure through my homeopathic doctor. I can give u his number, u can talk to him.
Hi. I am very sorry for your predicament as well as sorry that the doctors have dismissed your fears. Parkinsons, as with other medically incurable diseases is a hard pill to swallow. I do have a couple of suggestions.a) Take care of your mental health. Do get a counsellor, or contact the local chapter of the national parkinsons foundation ( They have people going through the exact same thing that you are, and can provide great support.b) Get your family involved. In order for them to provide better care for you, they need to understand the disease better. Try to get them to scourge the internet for information, or take them to doctor visits, give them information booklets, hammer it in their heads that you are going through a tough time if you have to! No one should go through this alone.c) Ensure that you adhere to your medication regiment. Remember, in order to be effective, there needs to be a certain and constant amount in your body, this includes anti-depressants (which generally tak a couple of weeks to come into effect depending of type)d) Take care of the rest of your health. Continue to mobilise (though it can be difficult, but the alternative...i.e not walking is to my opinion, worse), and eat healthily (the usual 'good' diet).Lastly, don't give up hope. Medical breakthroughs occur on a frequent basis these days. I hope that your days get better.

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