Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nicotine Withdrawal!! Help me!! What should i Do, its been almost a day since i quit smoking, and i need one!!

Ok, first off you -bleeps- who are taunting him with starting again, you can just go and hammer another nail in your coffin.Bastards...Anyways hun, take some deep breaths and tell yourself over and over that your making the choice to quit.I would sugest joining a "quitting smoking site" as soon as you can. They'll have a TON of support, people to talk to when the cravings get bad, and they'll have tons of tricks that you can use. Heck thats how I quit! Almost a year now without a single slip!Trust me hun, YOU CAN DO IT!!
why would you want to quit smoking? have a cig. *takes a puff*you want a drag? you know you want it.
Everytime you want one, tell yourself You might Want in but you don't NEED it. You can beat it
Try the nicotine patches for 3 or 4 weeks.
Eat some hard candy.
just hang in there in a few days the craving will be less. DON"T light one up, you can do it. You'll live longer smelll better and save money
brush your teeth
why would you want to quit smoking? have a cig.
really after one day your already begging for a cig talk about no will power. Try gum or patches
here's what you should do. Go to a Hospital and look at all the people struggling just to breathe, ...something most people do all day long without even thinking about it.Look at those people who are dying of lung cancer and emphysema. Then realize how important it is to not slowly destroy your lungs with those ciggarettes.
Go to the grocery store in the candy aisle and purchase TONS of lolipops. Also go down the toy aisle and purchase some playdough or "floam" Now when you feel the urge to light one up shove a loli into your mouth and work the playdoug/floam with your hands. Believe it or not it the working of the playdough exercises your hands and eases repetetive stress syndrome/carpal tunnel.
Lolly pops, find something to do with your hands. Rearrange a closet you can do it think about all that money you will save and what you are going to do with it! Clean the house, wash the walls (you'd be surprised what smoke gets into and lingers on. Good Luck!
i wish i had a magic word for you but i don't. try to keep busy. exercise, walk, even dance. if it's the emotional issue ask your doc for some help. tell yourself how well you've done so far. an entire day. thats quite an accomplishment. you're doing great. try a stop smoking group. many hospitals offer them for free. i'm rootin' for you. keep it up.
both my dad and my brother quit.
dad got sick and 4 days later, when he got well enough, he realized that he could quit.
and he brother just quit, cold turkey.
none of us though he'd be able to do it.
but he did.
first time, cold turkey.
and he was particularly dependent on them.
at the time, it was just worth it.gum, lolly pops, whatever.
know that after the first few days, it really does get could go the nicorette route, and if that's the only option, then you should.
on the other hand, if you can make it, it'll be an achievement you'll remember for the rest of your life.
Hang in there, it does get easier. Hard candies, chew on straws, healthy snacks, also find something to keep yourself busy. May, will be two years for me. I used the Smoke Away product and it worked for me. I stopped smoking and stopped taking the pills with in three days. Check out these two sites. I belong to the group at the smoke away site. There is a lot of good reading there if you like.
Good luck.

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