Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nauseous all the time?????????

I feel nauseous all the the time. I was just looking for some opionions on what could be causing this. Im not pregnant. I do take prilosec for frequent heartburn. I was dignoised with gastritis a few years ago. the start of a ulcer. Im not sure if thats the problem or could it be another stomach disorder. Is ther anythign that will help with it? Any advice is welcome. Thanks
i have a real bad ulcer and most of the times i throw up i throw up blood and i am nauseous all the time, so yes i would say it is your ulcer most likely if that is what your doc diagnosed you with....i also take prilosec but there are others that may help you deal better with the nauseousness
Blood sugar levels are outta wack, Check it out with your DR if you have other medical problems.
you should go to your doctor that's the best bet espically since you are taking meds your doctor should be able to tell you what's up
Read the book: you're not sick, you're thirsty. You can read the water cure on the web or the apple cider vinegar cures websites. These sites should answer all your questions.
See a doctor! It might be a side effect of your prilosec but I don't know. Your problem could be related to a stomach disorder.
do you know the side effects of the meds you are taking?
If they don't include nausea maybe you meds have to be changed
because your ulcer might be getting worse.It could also be what you are ingesting....try to keep a journal
for a few weeks and jot down everytime you feel nauseous and
what you did or ate just before that. You may be able to solve
the problem easily.....if this doesn't help you may need some more
G.I. series workup. see a doctor while doing the above.
I did the same thing. It ended up being an ulcer. Absolutely miserable. Let your doctor know. There are a lot of different options to treat it. First you need to know that's what it is.
You are nauseated, not nauseous.
Hi, I have no medical experience but I have had medications for ulcers over the years. I am not familiar with taking Prilosec, but a lot of medications that help the stomach and digestive system, also can aggravate the stomach and digestive system. Prilosec can make you feel sick.
Perhaps you should consult your doctor and get another type of medication for heartburn?
I really watch what I eat - especially acids in tomatoes, strawberries etc.; I don't go to bed if I have just eaten, etc. May I suggest you check some internet sites on other things to help? If you check under "acid reflux" etc. I am sure there would be some good suggestions.
Now, I just take a Rolaid or Tums when necessary... best of luck
My doctor told me that people that have problems with their gall bladders usually come in initially because of nausea...extreme nausea.Sometimes they have no other complaints except that. If it is your gall bladder you will more than likely be really tender right below your breast on your right side. Good luck in finding the problem!!

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