Sunday, October 25, 2009

My son is 10 mths old, and i think he has ringworms, how do i get rid of it as well as preventing it?

Ringworm is a fungal infection and could be caused nearly anything... pets, dirt, nearly anything an infected person or thing has touched. It is contagious, so be careful.If you suspect he has ringworm I suggest taking him to a doctor as he needs fungus-killing medicine in either tablet, ointment or oral. Ringworm is easy to diagnose and treat. Doctors can diagnose ringworm based on how it looks.If you have pets you should check them as they may need to be treated too.
Noting to fool around with take him to a doctor asap. Preventing it is the same way as preventing germs, no hand to mouth contact, and I would advise wearing gloves?!
Ringworm can be treated with over-the-counter lotriman rubbed on the lesion. I would first consult with your son's health care provider to make sure this is suitable treatment for a 10 month old. Ringworm can be picked up from cats or other humans. Especially prevalent if your child goes to daycare. Little kiddies have all sorts of germs! Hope this helps.
Before you even treat him for Ringworm PLEASE take him to see his pidatrition. He may very well have Eczema!!! I have it and its called Nummular Eczema here is a link of what it looks like.
Please see the web pages for more details on Diaper dermatitis, Ringworm and dermatophytosis. Use anti fungal ointment and prickly heat talcum powder if there is excessive perspiration. Consult paediatrician.
take him to the doctor!! YOU CAN'T PUT ADULT CREAMS AND MEDICINES ON A BABY'S SKIN. THEIR SKIN IS VERY "ABSORBANT" AND PRODUCTS THAT WORK GREAT FOR ADULTS CAN REALLY HARM BABIES. Ringworm is easy to treat, but he needs to see a doctor to make sure that is what he has. good luck

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