Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Peanut allergy reactions?

I have severe peanut allergy and I am trying to get the word out about how severe peanut allergies are. I am looking for stories about peanut allergy reactions? Mild - Severe - Death of a loved one. I would like to use these stories to get the word out as most of the public does not take this very seriously.... I personally react to smell, trace and I was told by many doctors that if I eat a peanut I will not even come close to making it to the hospital..... even with the help of my 4 epi-pens
As a nurse I have seen many people come into emergency with life threatening peanut allergy reactions...its is a very serious problem.
Nut allergies suck because nuts are in so many foods, both at restaraunts and in processed foods, that they're hard to avoid. Once I celebrated Thanksgiving at a friend's house. They served the turkey, which was fried, and we sat down to eat. I took one bite of the turkey and my throat began to burn and itch. I looked at the host and asked what they fried the turkey in. She knew I was allergic to peanuts. Her eyes suddenly got big as she realized that she had fried the turkey in peanut oil. Luckily for me, I had only had one small bite of the turkey and I had my epi-pen with me.
My son is allergic to peanuts. Thankfully we have not had a huge reaction (as he has NEVER eaten a peanut. Allergy was found by testing.)That being said, he had a contact reaction a few months ago. His hand turned bright red. Only Benedryl was needed.I carry a couple of epi-pens just in case, as he is also allergic to dairy and my youngest has food allergies.
I have a grand daughter who is also allergic to peanuts. It is difficult to live with. But thank g-d it is not anything more serious.

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