Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Other than common blood types A,B,O and AB, what other rare blood groups are there?

ABO and Rh blood type distribution are: O+, A+, B+, AB+, O鈭? A鈭? B鈭? AB鈭? Of these AB- is the most rare.There are about 29 blood group systems that are currently recognized (including the ABO and Rh systems above). There are other antigens such as MNS, K, Leb, etc. These antigens are expressed on the RBC surface membrane. These other blood groups systems are usually named after the person who has that blood type. So, those are more rare than ABO and Rh by themselves.
Outside the ABO and Rh group there are hundreds of public and private blood types.
AB negative is pretty rare. thats it.
AB Negative is the rarest.
the negative (RH) blood types are the rarest
I'm sorry. I only know of one rare blood type an I'm not even sure if it is really negative AB. But here in the Philippines, actress Gelli De Belen has it. She's the only one.
+/- blood types

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